Afrothismia (Afrothismia winkleri)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 10251742

The main hypothesis of this study was to understand the species composition, ecology, distribution and diversity of Thismiaceae in Cameroon in different habitats, and to formulate new models on how to study this group of plants in other countries. This study will lead to the revision of Thismiaceae in Africa and the Flora of Thismiaceae of Cameroon.
This study was a follow up research that started since 2000 based on fieldwork and herbaria search (YA, SCA, MO, B, and WAG) from 2002 – 2007. Extended Fieldwork was carried out from April – September 2011 in three vegetation types: evergreen, semi-deciduous, and deciduous, at an altitudinal range of lowland rain forest, and sub-montane forest. In Korup National Park, Diongo Community forest, Transformation Reef Cameroon (TRC) concession 1081, Forest Management Unit (FMU) 11001 at Bakogo, Mount Kupe forest area (Mbulle and Kupe III), Mount Kala, Mefou National Park, Mt. Mvile, PALISCO, FMU 10041 around Mindourou, Mt. Oku and Mbembe forest reserves. Annual species occurrences and abundance per site were assessed.
Project 10251742 location - Cameroon, Africa