Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 15053123
Living with Harmony-A community based initiative to develop a comprehensive management plan to mitigate Human-Elephant Interaction, Southern West Bengal, India.

1. Network with IUCN, Project Elephant, Government dept, NGOs, Institutions, media will be established.
2. Survey on ecological condition of extended elephant habitat (influence zone)to know the fodder status, water and salt-licks availability, human interference for effective habitat management.
3. Enumeration of the elephant sub-groups in influence zones to develop an effective management plan we will enumerate sub-groups according to home range.
4. Villagers from interaction zone will participate in capacity building programme to minimise the loss of life and property
4. Supporting the local stakeholders by replacing traditional mitigation practices by crop alteration, unpalatable crop introduction etc.
5. Conservation Education/Awareness programme in all interaction prone areas through AV mediums.
6. We will develop education pack including brochure, leaflets, posters, banners etc.
7. Result (interim/final) publication
Project documents
- The poster was widely distribute during awareness programme and also placed in prominent place in school and colleges, forest office etc..
- Awareness programme
Project 15053123 location - India, Asia