2,801Grants to


Black-winged Starling (Sturnus melanopterus melanopterus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 14258193

Reintroduction of the Black-winged Starling (Sturnus melanopterus melanopterus) in West Java, Indonesia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14258193) - Black-winged Starling  - Awarded $7,000 on June 06, 2014

The Cikananga Conservation Breeding Centre (CCBC) is part of the Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Centre (PPSC), a non-governmental organisation that aims to rescue, protect and reintroduce critically endangered Javan species. Endangered Javan species are bred in CCBC for conservation purpose with the ultime objectives to reintroduce them in the wild when the captive population has reached a suitable number and genetic diversity.

This project is dedicated to the Black-winged Starling from the West Java subspecies (Sturnus melanopterus melanopterus) which inhabits open lands up to 1300 meters above sea level. No more than 100 individuals could remain in the wild in two different locations in West Java. In 2010, this specie was listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN and Reintoduction programme was implemented to counteract the lost of this endemic species.

CCBC started a captive breeding programme in 2001 with 24 founders that came from privates or bird markets. The Black-winged Starlings bred well in Cikananga facilities and, in 2012, around 200 individuals were housed in the centre from the generation F0 to the generation F3. 

 Reintroduction could therefore be implemented and the birds were released in two different sites. 

The first one is situated in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (one of the biggest National Park in Java) where 40 Black-winged Starlings were released the 23rd of April 2013. More than a year after the release, 8 individuals can still be found within the release site and  the first successfull breeding was recorded in May 2014.

Because the suitability of the site and the support of people proved to be adequate, a new release is planed for the coming months to reinforce the current population.With the kind help of the Mohamed Bin Zayed species Conservation Fund, nest boxes cameras and GPS trackers could be used for the next release and monitoring.


The second site is situated in Rawadanau Nature Reserve in Banten Province where 25 birds were released the 20th of December 2013. Five months after the release, few individuals remain within the release site. Intensive monitoring is performed to look for the birds that could have left in a large swamp area, a place difficult  to acces, which makes monitoring more laboured.


Our new supporter, the Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund brings valuable financial help for this on-going Reintroduction Programme and will help us to make this programme successfull.

Project 14258193 location - Indonesia, Asia