2,980Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 827 grants constituting a total donation of $8,347,447 for species conservation projects based in Africa.

Conservation Case Studies in Africa

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12255374) - Black and white ruffed lemur - Awarded $12,500 on December 23, 2012
23-12-2012 - Black and white ruffed lemur

This project of conservation of Vohibe forest and all its biodiversity such as Varecia variegate, a Critically Endangered (CR A4cd) according to the IUCN Redlist, involve local community in all aspects to ensure its sustainability. The fact to reinforce the capacity of the community and the use of means of transmission of message adaptable to the reality increase their awareness among biodiversity conservation.

View Black and white ruffed lemur project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254928) - Pickersgill's Reed Frog - Awarded $12,000 on December 23, 2012
23-12-2012 - Pickersgill's Reed Frog

Pickersgill's Reed Frog, Hyperolius pickersgilli, is endemic to the coast of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and known from only 18 sites. It is globally Critically Endangered due to severe habitat fragmentation and ongoing decline in the quality of remaining localities. The Pickersgill's Reed Frog Recovery Project aims to protect key habitat through engaging with all relevant role players and creating awareness about this unique species.

View Pickersgill's Reed Frog project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12255314) - Pangani tilapia - Awarded $12,500 on December 23, 2012
23-12-2012 - Pangani tilapia

Nyumba ya Mungu Dam is a biodiversity rich ecosystem within Pangani River Basin consisting of fish species namely Oreochromis pangani, Oreochromis jipe,Clarias gariepinus and introduced Oreochromis esculentus. Recently however,environmental ...

View Pangani tilapia project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254826) - Black Rhino - Awarded $12,000 on December 23, 2012
23-12-2012 - Black Rhino

The objective of this project is to assess, monitor and model the population dynamics of the current Black rhino population in Majete Wildlife Reserve and to determine the carrying capacity of the reserve for the species prior to further re-introductions. This will include determining territory and home range establishment, calving rates, distances travelled to find suitable browsing, and the overall health of the founder population

View Black Rhino project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254996) - Black Rhinoceros - Awarded $12,500 on December 20, 2012
20-12-2012 - Black Rhinoceros

The Somkhanda Community Conservation Project works to ensure the continued success of rhinoceros conservation efforts in the tribally-owned Somkhanda Game Reserve by training local rhino monitors and conservation educators, and employing them to work in the reserve and its surrounding communities. Educators teach about the deleterious effects of poaching, and generate support for biodiversity conservation that can provide long term benefits to ...

View Black Rhinoceros project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12255178) - West African chimpanzee - Awarded $12,000 on December 20, 2012
20-12-2012 - West African chimpanzee

Conservation education is seen as a priority long-term action for the conservation of chimpanzees and wildlife. Nature clubs can play a vital role in changing attitudes towards the intrinsic value of wildlife. The WCF created nature clubs called Club P.A.N. in schools around Tai National Park / Côte d’Ivoire and schools in Boké / Guinea as a long-term conservation approach oriented towards the next generation.

View West African chimpanzee project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254632) - Sharpe's Longclaw - Awarded $6,000 on December 20, 2012
20-12-2012 - Sharpe's Longclaw

Sharpes Longclaw (Maxronyx sharpie) is classified as Endangered. The preferred habitat for this highly specialized bird species is quickly diminishing. One of the major threats is loss of habitat due to change of land use. In 2000, only 50% of 77,000 ha of the Kinangop Plateau Grasslands remained with only 58% of these suitable as habitat for Sharpe’s Longcalw.

View Sharpe's Longclaw project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254904) - Eastern chimpanzee - Awarded $5,000 on December 20, 2012
20-12-2012 - Eastern chimpanzee

Project work focuses on the loss of particular tree species in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, as a result of anthropogenic activities. By identifying those trees which are being steadily lost from the forest but which provide essential nutrients to the chimpanzees and other primates in the forest, we aim to promote their conservation, mainly by increasing awareness in local communities.

View Eastern chimpanzee project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254442) - Large bellflower - Awarded $9,000 on September 23, 2012
23-09-2012 - Large bellflower

Fewer than 50 large bellflowers survive on unstable cliffs of High Peak, St Helena. They are believed to hybridise extensively with the small bellflower (Wahlenbergia angustifolia), and are threatened with imminent extinction. This project aims to understand the hybridisation issues through genetic analyses and pollination studies. Once pure individuals have been identified, informed conservation plans will be produced and a cultivated breeding ...

View Large bellflower project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12254474) - Golden Mantella - Awarded $7,000 on September 23, 2012
23-09-2012 - Golden Mantella

The golden mantella is a critically endangered frog, endemic to Moramanga district in Eastern Madagascar. This project aims to (i) determine the plant composition of the golden mantella breeding ponds and adjacent forests, (ii) determine the physical characteristics of the breeding ponds and (iii) restore the breeding ponds damaged by illegal gold mining. It will be carried out in Mangabe forest, southern Moramanga.

View Golden Mantella project