07-11-2010 - Reptiles
The Red List status of 365 reptile species was assessed during a workshop in Antananarivo, Madagascar (24 to 28 January 2011). It was attended by four IUCN facilitators, four overseas experts, 15 participants based in Madagascar, including three members of the IUCN/SSC Chameleon Specialist Group.
View Reptiles project

04-10-2010 - Clarke's Weaver
Three years back MBZ (2011) kindly funded a research to discover the breeding site of Clarke's Weaver to Nature Kenya, the Birdlife partner in Kenya. The nest had not been found by the time the grant closed. But the systems that were set up as a result of the grant have finally borne fruit, NESTS WERE FOUND.
Many thanks indeed for your support.
View Clarke's Weaver project

03-10-2010 - Turquoise Dwarf Gecko or Electric Blue Gecko
Lygodactylus williamsi is an endemic species of gecko found in Kimboza Forest in Tanzania. The species is not in the government quota but is widely traded in the European and American pet markets. The Wildlife Division and law enforcers such as police and customs do not know the species thus TRAFFIC with support from MBZSCF conducted species identification to help them cover this knowledge gap.
View Turquoise Dwarf Gecko or Electric Blue Gecko project

03-10-2010 - Black-and-white colobus monkey
A population of black-and-white colobus occurs between the Sassandra and the Bandama Rivers in Côte d’Ivoire, the taxonomic status of which is not yet clear. We conducted an extensive survey within this area and found that only one population has survived in a forest grove. This population has a similar coat pattern like Colobus vellerosus, however vocalization data failed to firmly confirm this affinity.
View Black-and-white colobus monkey project

30-09-2010 - Southern-central black rhino
This project was to purchase a new 4WD vehicle for the North Luangwa Conservation Programme in Zambia, a joint project of the Zambia Wildlife Authority and the Frankfurt Zoological Society. Black rhinos have been reintroduced to North Luangwa National Park in four phases from 2003-2010, and the ongoing task is to monitor and protect this population. Vehicle support for patrols is essential.
View Southern-central black rhino project

30-09-2010 - Shoebill
Shoebill is one of the rarest wetland specialist birds of sub-Saharan Africa. Its population in Tanzania is in low hundreds, this project study its ecology in western Tanzania. We look at its habitat selection for foraging, nesting and survey its distribution extent in all suspect sites. We are also interested to study the effect of anthropogenic activities such as fire, grazing and fishing.
View Shoebill project

30-09-2010 - Green Turtle
The Sea Turtle Conservation Programme in Sierra Leone (STCP-SL) is a local initiative managed by the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL). The aim of the programme is to provide greater protection through Education and Conservation actions for sea turtle species that browse the sea area of Sierra Leone and nest on beaches along the shores of the country.
View Green Turtle project

30-09-2010 - Basra Reed Warbler
Basra Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus grisseldis), listed as endangered is facing serious conservation problems with developers planning to transform nearly 50,000 acres of its wintering site (Tana River Delta) into sugarcane plantations, rice and biofuel production. The study aims to establish its population status, evaluate the potential threats affecting their population and possible adoption of economically viable land use practices compatible ...
View Basra Reed Warbler project

30-09-2010 - Red-capped Mangabey
The Red-capped mangabey is a strikingly attractive primate found from Nigeria to Gabon. It is Vulnerable, and under most threat in Nigeria where the vast human population is placing increasing pressure through demand for bushmeat and timber. CERCOPAN's operation is reducing both hunting and logging in community forests in SE Nigeria, with plans for reintroduction of the species into protected forest.
View Red-capped Mangabey project

30-09-2010 - Black rhino
Yearly percentage of females calving is the best fitting function of Plant Available Nutrient (PAN) and Moisture (PAM) in predicting black rhino population performance. Low PAN, high PAM areas yield maximum reproductive returns while high PAN, high PAM areas yield the converse for black rhino. This study contributes to selection criteria for areas that yield maximum reproductive returns for black rhinos insitu.
View Black rhino project