2,980Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 827 grants constituting a total donation of $8,347,447 for species conservation projects based in Africa.

Conservation Case Studies in Africa

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025977) - Nigerian Chimpanzee - Awarded $15,000 on March 02, 2010
02-03-2010 - Nigerian Chimpanzee

The aim of the Nigerian Montane Forest Project is to : combine scientific research with education at both tertiary and local community level in order to develop long term sustainable management of Nigeria’s montane forests. We achieve this through the running of an ecological research station which attracts national and international researchers and is run largely through the local community.

View Nigerian Chimpanzee project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025976) - Madagascar Pochard - Awarded $24,852 on March 02, 2010
02-03-2010 - Madagascar Pochard

This long-term project will save the Madagascar pochard from the brink of extinction. Just 20 individuals remain in the wild, restricted to one location. A captive-breeding and a research programme have been established. Working with local communities, birds will be released within the species’ former range. The project will also serve to encourage wider conservation of Malagasy wetlands for the benefit of people and wildlife.

View Madagascar Pochard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025975) - Egyptian Vulture - Awarded $20,000 on March 01, 2010
01-03-2010 - Egyptian Vulture

Through expeditions in collaboration with local partners, the project aims to determine the population number and threats for the migrating population of the Egyptian Vultures from the Palearctic in their main wintering areas in East Africa, to create human capacity and ensure proper design of the future conservation activities.

View Egyptian Vulture project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905639) - Mt. Kenya Bush viper - Awarded $4,000 on February 14, 2010
14-02-2010 - Mt. Kenya Bush viper

The endemic Mt Kenya Bush viper risks eminent erasure from the face of the earth unless urgent conservation measures are taken. Occurring just in a small geographic area less than 300sq km, its habitat has been shrinking over the years while its population has tremendously declined due to over-collection especially for trade purposes, both local and international trade.

View Mt. Kenya Bush viper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925462) - Bonobo - Awarded $15,000 on February 14, 2010
14-02-2010 - Bonobo

We have had a three year project to survey the biodiversity of the the region south of Kisangani and between the three rivers :Tshuapa-Lomami-Lualaba in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Subsequent to our discovery of important populations of bonobo (Pan paniscus) that were being hunted, we have worked to control hunting and create a protected area. This project supports this effort.

View Bonobo project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925198) - Dugong - Awarded $5,000 on February 14, 2010
14-02-2010 - Dugong

This project aims to gather information on dugongs and their habitat in North Madagascar and Comoros and compile National Dugong Conservation Action Plans.

View Dugong project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925264) - Podostemaceae family - Awarded $5,000 on December 08, 2009
08-12-2009 - Podostemaceae family

The Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has been providential as it helped our project in a decisive step towards the conservation of 5 threaten freshwater plants species from the Podostemaceae family, found in Edea at the hydro-electric dam site: Winklerella dichotoma (CR) , Zehnderia microgyna (CR) and Dicraeanthus zehnderi (CR) (see photo) endemic to the site; Leiothylax quangensis (EN) and Dicraeanthus africanus (VU).

View Podostemaceae family project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925806) - Pepper-bark tree - Awarded $10,000 on December 08, 2009
08-12-2009 - Pepper-bark tree

Through this project, it was discovered that the Pepper-bark tree is more threatened than previously classified on the national Plant Red Data List (Vulnerable)

View Pepper-bark tree project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925803) - Ludwig's Bustard - Awarded $20,000 on December 07, 2009
07-12-2009 - Ludwig's Bustard

Ludwig’s Bustard is a poorly known bird that is under threat from a single source of anthropogenic mortality – collision with overhead power lines. Our project aims to find out more about the impacts of collisions on this long lived species, and investigate ways to mitigate them through censuses, mortality surveys, satellite tracking, line marking experimentation and studying the visual capacity of collision prone species.

View Ludwig's Bustard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925157) - Comoro Iguana - Awarded $20,000 on November 25, 2009
25-11-2009 - Comoro Iguana

Conservation of reptiles on the Comoro Islands – a project of the Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, Germany, in collaboration with partners at the Republic of the Comoros and France to research into endemism and possible threats and to propose conservation stati and measures.

View Comoro Iguana project