2,801Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 775 grants constituting a total donation of $7,813,462 for species conservation projects based in Africa.

Conservation Case Studies in Africa

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202524534) - Karomo tilapia - Awarded $10,325 on September 22, 2020
22-09-2020 - Karomo tilapia

Enhance environmental education and conservation actions towards critically endangered Karomo tilapia “Oreochromis karomo” in Malagarasi river, Tanzania.

View Karomo tilapia project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202524276) - Agaria - Awarded $11,875 on September 22, 2020
22-09-2020 - Agaria

This project is aimed at promoting the survival of critically endangered Haplochromis Argenteus fish species in Lake Bisina and the surrounding wetlands in Eastern Uganda.

View Agaria project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202523895) - Bowmouth Guitarfish  - Awarded $10,550 on April 19, 2020
19-04-2020 - Bowmouth Guitarfish

Rapid assessment of the immediate conservation requirements for critically endangered guitarfish in Southern Mozambique

View Bowmouth Guitarfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202523251) - Black Rhinoceros - Awarded $12,500 on April 16, 2020
16-04-2020 - Black Rhinoceros

Protecting The Kingdom of Eswatini’s Black Rhino Population from International Poaching

View Black Rhinoceros project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202516022) - White-thighed Colobus - Awarded $10,500 on April 16, 2020
16-04-2020 - White-thighed Colobus

Local Community Actions to Safeguard Critically Endangered White-thighed Colobus Monkey at the Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary

View White-thighed Colobus project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202523358) - African golden cat - Awarded $7,300 on April 16, 2020
16-04-2020 - African golden cat

Helping the African golden cat discovered in Mpem et Djim National Park in Cameroon, to persist in challenging livelihood context

View African golden cat project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 200523259) - African Golden Cat - Awarded $5,000 on April 16, 2020
16-04-2020 - African Golden Cat

Camera Trap Survey for wildcats (African Golden Cat and Leopard) and other threatened Mammalian Species around Gola Rainforest National Park

View African Golden Cat project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192522631) - Chambo - Awarded $12,500 on December 29, 2019
29-12-2019 - Chambo

Fish for Tomorrow in Lake Malawi - extension of Ripple Africa's community led fish conservation project into Salima District. This will enable us to introduce the project into one of Malawi’s largest breeding areas for the critically endangered Oreochromis lidole. Local fishing communities are empowered to protect breeding areas, confiscate illegal fishing gear and enforce a closed season for gill net use.

View Chambo project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192522705) - Table Mountain Ghost Frog - Awarded $13,000 on December 29, 2019
29-12-2019 - Table Mountain Ghost Frog

The Table Mountain Ghost frog is a unique, Critically Endangered amphibian endemic to just six streams on Table Mountain, South Africa. This project aims to collect quantitative baseline data on the life history, population size and habitat requirements of the species and to use these data to accurately identify and implement conservation interventions to ensure the survival of this amazing species.

View Table Mountain Ghost Frog project