2,801Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 940 grants constituting a total donation of $8,083,813 for species conservation projects based in Asia.

Conservation Case Studies in Asia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256764) - Red-shanked douc - Awarded $7,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Red-shanked douc

The project aims to initiate the country's first long-term conservation and research project on the Endangered red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus) in Nakai-Nam Theun National Protected Area, central eastern Laos.

View Red-shanked douc project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257170) - Asiatic wild ass  - Awarded $6,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Asiatic wild ass

The critically endangered Persian wild ass or onager (Equus hemionus onager) is now restricted to only two distantly located protected areas in Iran. This project aims to determine key suitable habitats and potential sources of mortality of the larger onager population in and around Bahram-e-Gour Protected Area in Iran to inform landscape level conservation plans for the species.

View Asiatic wild ass project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257174) - Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon - Awarded $10,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon

Working with local communities and relevant authorities LBA aims to increase their awareness and improve the conservation status of the northern white-cheeked crested gibbon. The project will result in increased capacity through targeted training to allow an assessment of gibbon status and threats and increased knowledge on the status of gibbons to identify keys areas for conservation activities.

View Northern white-cheeked crested gibbon project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13056405) - Sunda Pangolin  - Awarded $4,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Sunda Pangolin

When live Sunda pangolins are confiscated from the trade they are often released into the wild with minimal health checks and no post-release monitoring. This project is releasing and monitoring six individuals, determining if release is a viable placement option. From this, international standard protocols will be developed that can be implemented by the Forest Protection Department and other conservation organisations across Vietnam.

View Sunda Pangolin project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 136916) - White Rumped Vulture - Awarded $6,100 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - White Rumped Vulture

Creating a 30,000Sq km safe zone Surrounding Ahmedabad City in Central Gujarat,India through intensive monitoring, awareness and advocacy with government officials. This will safeguard a population of approximately 200 critically endangered Gyps benganlensis resident of this area and also generate a model for in-situ vulture conservation which can be implemented across the country.

View White Rumped Vulture project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256576) - Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle or McCords Long-necked Turtle - Awarded $12,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle or McCords Long-necked Turtle

The Long-necked turtle Chelodina mccordi is critically endangered under the IUCN red list criteria. The Projetu Lenuk Lorosa’e aims to collect vital information about the biology of the Timor-Leste subspecies (Chelodina mccordi timorensis) for future research and management actions, while bringing awareness about the status of this species at a local and national level.

View Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle or McCords Long-necked Turtle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13055714) - Dragon Blood Tree's Gecko - Awarded $3,500 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Dragon Blood Tree's Gecko

Ecology and conservation of the emblematic dragon blood tree's gecko (Hemidactylus dracaenacolus) and Grant's leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus granti) of Socotra Island

View Dragon Blood Tree's Gecko project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13057088) - Reticulated Python - Awarded $3,500 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Reticulated Python

Reticulated Python is one of the most exotic and demanded snake which has exported 1.233.343 as skin from 2000-2010 originally from Indonesia. some other amounts was exported in living condition to fulfill pet market demand. this snake separated into three Subspecies based on morphologic, geographic and molecular study (Auliya, 2002). but there are still many different locations which has unique characters yet to be found

View Reticulated Python project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13251256) - Painted Terrapin - Awarded $10,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Painted Terrapin

The project is aimed to increase the wild population of Painted Terrapin (Batagur borneoensis), critically endangered freshwater turtle, in habitat through securing the eggs from poaching and natural predation, hatching the eggs, raising the hatchlings in headstarting ponds, release the hatchling into habitat, educate villagers to save this species.

View Painted Terrapin project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13056384) - Das’s Dwarf Toad - Awarded $5,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Das’s Dwarf Toad

Distribution, life history, tadpoles, vocalization, habitat requirements and their conservation

View Das’s Dwarf Toad project