18-09-2017 - Long-horned Mining Bee
Conserve the Long-horned Mining Bee in Cornwall
View Long-horned Mining Bee project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 159 grants constituting a total donation of $1,477,528 for species conservation projects based in Europe.
Conserve the Long-horned Mining Bee in Cornwall
View Long-horned Mining Bee project
The great forgotten: Conservation Assessment of the Iberian Sea Spiders (Pycnogonida)
View Sea spider project
Habitat restoration and population monitoring of an endangered freshwater fish endemic to the westernmost tip of Europe.
View Western Ruivaco project
The objective of our project is to ensure the persistence of Bombina pachypus in Liguria (NW Italy) through habitat restoration and the establishment of new populations. The project is a continuation of the funded project n. 152510524, achieving all stated objectives: we clarified the causes of the species decline, identified new populations, developed and tested a sustainable reintroduction method, carried out releases and habitat management.
View Apennine yellow-bellied toad project
This project is focused on diversity and role of Ichneumon-wasps in indicating the condition of natural Carpathian forests ecosystems. We include outreach activities aiming to share knowledge with foresters, students and amateur entomologists, and attract attention of general public to role of these insects in forest ecosystems and necessity of their protection
View Ichneumon-wasp project
Conservation assessment of the subterranean aquatic planarians of Italy
View Italian cave-dwelling flatworm project
â€Survey and Research in the Natural Habitat in the Northwest of the Black Sea, of the Criticall Endangered Anadromous Sturgeon Species†It was an extremely interesting project that helped us to continue our monitoring and research of the Flagspecies of the Danube River, Beluga Sturgeon, Russian Sturgeon and Stellate Sturgeon and make a step forward in their conservation.
View Beluga sturgeon project
Eolizard. Vulnerability to invasion and conservation genetics of the endemic Aeolian lizard, Podarcis raffoneae
View Aeolian Wall Lizard project
The Gran Canaria Crested Grasshopper was only known from a single specimen collected in 1949 until it was rediscovered on Gran Canaria in 2015. We now started a conservation project for this species. Our aim is to study distribution and population size of the species and identify priority areas for its conservation.
View Gran Canaria Creasted Grasshopper project
Improving the knowledge of Sardinian grass snake (Natrix natrix cetti)
View Sardinian grass snake project