2,801Grants to


South America

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 477 grants constituting a total donation of $4,451,611 for species conservation projects based in South America.

Conservation Case Studies in South America

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256807) - Red-bellied toad  - Awarded $10,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Red-bellied toad

Melanophryniscus admirabilis is a splendid, Critically Endangered species, with a highly restricted distribution, endemic to one location. The species distribution is located in a region particularly vulnerable. Our project aims to generate data on population size, reproductive ecology and genetic variability and structure, which are key factors to establish management priorities and standards procedures for monitoring this highly threatened ...

View Red-bellied toad project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13254964) - Chilenito - Awarded $15,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Chilenito

The present study aims to explore the demographic tendencies of Eriosyce chilensis, a species distributed in an extremely narrow coastal strip in the Mediterranean zone at central Chile. To infer the demographic tendencies of E. chilensis we will conduct detailed mapping of the species distribution, filogeographic analyses and reproductive experiments. spatial, genetic and experimental tools.

View Chilenito project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12255538) - Little spotted cat - Awarded $10,650 on June 17, 2013
17-06-2013 - Little spotted cat

Despite the wide distribution on brazilian territory, the little-spotted-cat (Leopardus tigrinus) has never been very well studied. The goals of this Project are estimate density population and home range size of this endangered species on Serra do Tabuleiro State Park, one of the largest protected areas in southern Brazil. The results will be important for conservation action to neotropical small wildcats in Brazil.

View Little spotted cat project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256300) - Royal Cinclodes - Awarded $6,250 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Royal Cinclodes

The critically endangered Royal Cinclodes and the endangered Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant are threatened by the ongoing destruction of its main habitat (Polylepis pepei forest). We focused our efforts to protect the last forest fragments in the community of Pongo, and we also helped to strengthen cooperation between this community and the protected area of Cotapata to protect these remaining and very important high Andean ecosystem.

View Royal Cinclodes project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256088) - Camotillo - Awarded $15,000 on May 29, 2013
29-05-2013 - Camotillo

Thanks to this research and support from MBZ SCF, we now we have solid, science based information about the life history, population status, and fisheries dynamics for Camotillo and Bacalao in Galapagos. This information will translate into specific management recommendations for the Galapagos National Park Directorate (GNPD) and other local stakeholders so that a management plan can be implemented; a milestone in these species’ ...

View Camotillo project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13056093) - Flea Toad - Awarded $2,500 on May 29, 2013
29-05-2013 - Flea Toad

We sampled eight mountains in Southern Bahia, Brazil, in search of the Flea-Toad, the smallest amphibian of the American continent, described in 2012 from the Serra Bonita. Despite extensive sampling activity we only managed to find the Flea-Toad on the Serra das Lontras mountain, a National Park neighbouring Serra Bonita. However during the fieldworks 14 new frog species were discovered.

View Flea Toad project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12055197) - Itambe's Bromeliad Frog - Awarded $4,400 on December 23, 2012
23-12-2012 - Itambe's Bromeliad Frog

The effects of climate change on amphibian population in Brazil are poorly understood. This project will develop a long-term monitoring protocol to evaluate the effects of climate variables on populations of a new mountaintop amphibian species at Pico do Itambe and will address future conservation priorities focusing highland ecosystems within the Espinhaço Range, at Southeastern Brazil.

View Itambe's Bromeliad Frog project