2,801Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 393 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $3,930,876.

Bird Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925787) - Basra Reed Warbler - Awarded $10,000 on September 30, 2010
30-09-2010 - Basra Reed Warbler

Basra Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus grisseldis), listed as endangered is facing serious conservation problems with developers planning to transform nearly 50,000 acres of its wintering site (Tana River Delta) into sugarcane plantations, rice and biofuel production. The study aims to establish its population status, evaluate the potential threats affecting their population and possible adoption of economically viable land use practices compatible ...

View Basra Reed Warbler project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925616) - Asian Great Bustard - Awarded $15,000 on September 30, 2010
30-09-2010 - Asian Great Bustard

The Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is a steppe-dwelling bird and the heaviest bird capable of flight. The objectives of our project are to locate remnant populations of Great Bustard, quantify habitat use, trace migratory patterns, and identify sources of mortality, while building local research capacity and engaging local people in the research and conservation of this charismatic species.

View Asian Great Bustard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905700) - William's Lark - Awarded $5,000 on August 19, 2010
19-08-2010 - William's Lark

This study was to undertake population survey and environmental threat assessment of Williams’ Lark, Mirafra williamsi, in and around Shaba National Reserve IBA. Specific objectives were to investigate the population parameters; size and local density, and environmental conditions in the reserve. The research was conducted at rocky lava plains with scattered grasses in Shaba reserve and its environs.

View William's Lark project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10251119) - Grenada Dove - Awarded $20,000 on August 04, 2010
04-08-2010 - Grenada Dove

The Grenada Dove is listed as an A1 Globally Critically Endangered Species due to its extremely small and fragmented population which has declined primarily due to habitat loss, estimated at 136 individuals (Rusk 2008). Its habitat is limited to 2 areas on Grenada. This project aims to gather breeding and nesting data to inform conservation and management decisions by the Government of Grenada.

View Grenada Dove project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925643) - Cauca guan - Awarded $15,000 on July 13, 2010
13-07-2010 - Cauca guan

Cauca Guan is a threatened endemic species to Colombia with only four population centers confirmed. This project aims 1) to design and implement participative, sustainable and effective surveillance programs at two localities and 2) to assessed population status at one of the unevaluated localities.

View Cauca guan project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925483) - Wedge-tailed eagle - Awarded $15,000 on July 13, 2010
13-07-2010 - Wedge-tailed eagle

Data from this study suggests that eagles may breed irregularly or may frequently move about within territories occupying various nests. This study also suggests that although the duration of breeding phases may be similar between years, the timing of breeding in the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle may vary considerably between years. If these trends continue, they will have implications for future eagle habitat management

View Wedge-tailed eagle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051333) - Turner's Eremomela - Awarded $4,000 on July 06, 2010
06-07-2010 - Turner's Eremomela

We surveyed Turner's Eremomela and other birds on the more disturbed western end of South Nandi forest, Kenya and sampled birds just outside forest to assess how far forest birds disperse towards neighbouring Kakamega forest. Results showed lower T. Eremomela records, lower overall bird diversity and species richness, and lower general habitat quality on this side, but higher higher human-disturbance than on the eastern side of forest. Only large ...

View Turner's Eremomela project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051324) - Egyptian vulture - Awarded $5,000 on July 06, 2010
06-07-2010 - Egyptian vulture

Project aimed for conservation the Imperial Eagle, Egyptian Vulture and Lesser Kestrel in Azerbaijan throughout creation of network of local people for conservation of main sites for these species. Posters and brochure about target species will be distributed during field survey and discussions.Received data will be used for identification most improptant sites for these species and possible creating of new protected areas.

View Egyptian vulture project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905647) - Egyptian vulture - Awarded $5,000 on June 06, 2010
06-06-2010 - Egyptian vulture

Our project aims to protect Aras and Arpacay valleys that host Turkey's 4 species of vultures. We try to understand their breeding, wintering and migration patterns so that we can propose a species action plan for either the protection of the species and their habitats. We use satellite telemetry for tracking Egyptian Vultures which is a globally endangered species.

View Egyptian vulture project