2,980Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 216 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $2,166,388.

Fish Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510044) - Widemouth gambusia - Awarded $12,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Widemouth gambusia

Mexico is home to hydrogen sulfide-rich springs so toxic that few organisms can survive in them. This project aims to preserve highly endemic fish that have adapted to these extreme environments. The project particularly focuses on Gambusia eurystoma, which is only known from a single sulfide spring complex. It also pertains to other micro-endemics in the area (Poecilia sulphuraria and P. thermalis).

View Widemouth gambusia project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14059847) - Cuban Topminnow - Awarded $4,500 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Cuban Topminnow

The genus Girardinus is endemic from Cuba and is represented by seven species which six live in western Cuba. The survival of these target species is threatened by the introductions of alien piscivorous fish species, jointly with the water pollution. A detailed evaluation regarding to population parameters, ecological requirements and current threats for these endemic fish species are crucial for the management and their conservation.

View Cuban Topminnow project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259378) - Pinstripe Damba - Awarded $7,150 on September 16, 2014
16-09-2014 - Pinstripe Damba

The Pinstripe Damba is an endemic and Critically Endangered fish of northwestern Madagascar. Since 2008, this fish is known only from one lake: Tseny. The challenge is to increase the population size to a level that will allow both conservation and harvesting for food. As a step forward, this project works to raise local awareness on fishery regulations.

View Pinstripe Damba project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259217) - Red-finned Blue-eye - Awarded $15,000 on September 16, 2014
16-09-2014 - Red-finned Blue-eye

Saving the Red-finned Blue Eye fish: Bush Heritage Australia is working to save the world’s only population of the critically endangered red-finned blue-eye fish from extinction.

View Red-finned Blue-eye project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259098) - Largetooth sawfish - Awarded $9,000 on September 16, 2014
16-09-2014 - Largetooth sawfish

Sawfishes in Madagascar: Documenting and conserving critically endangered species in their last stronghold in African waters.

View Largetooth sawfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14258526) - Greenback Parrotfish - Awarded $7,950 on April 29, 2014
29-04-2014 - Greenback Parrotfish

Conservation of the endemic and endangered parrotfish Scarus tripsonosus in Brazilian water - Research and community based actions.

View Greenback Parrotfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257664) - Clanwilliam sandfish  - Awarded $8,500 on December 23, 2013
23-12-2013 - Clanwilliam sandfish

The Endangered Wildlife Trust's Cape Critical Rivers Project (CCR) is a ground-breaking initiative that aims to bridge biodiversity conservation with water resource management in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a global biodiversity hotspot in South Africa. The project aims to implement critical ecosystem and species-directed activities outlined in the Biodiversity Management Plan for the Endangered Clanwilliam Sandfish.

View Clanwilliam sandfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256868) - Queensland lungfish - Awarded $10,000 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Queensland lungfish

The project seeks to contribute new scientific knowledge necessary to stop the decline of, and support the recovery of, the endangered Australian lungfish. First, stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen of fish scales will provide the first ever investigation of century-long trends in lungfish trophic ecology. Second, spatiotemporal patterns of lungfish resource use will be examined to inform management actions and identify rehabilitation ...

View Queensland lungfish project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256663) - Freshwater Sawfish - Awarded $11,400 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - Freshwater Sawfish

Searching for the critically endangered Freshwater sawfish in an Eastern Cape York river. The freshwater sawfish (Pristis pristis) was once found on Australia’s east coast but has not been recorded for many years. With the help of traditional owners we will use underwater cameras and gillnets to investigate reports that freshwater sawfish inhabit the untouched rivers of eastern Cape York.

View Freshwater Sawfish project