2,801Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 353 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $3,271,042.

Reptile Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12053708) - Bay Island Forest Lizard - Awarded $5,000 on May 23, 2012
23-05-2012 - Bay Island Forest Lizard

In the tropical Andaman Islands, the forest floor lizard community is affected by introduced spotted deer. This indirect negative effect of an introduced mammalian herbivore on endemic lizards was documented in a study conducted by a team of Indian ecologists from 2012 to 2014. They found that spotted deer, by extensively browsing on the under-story vegetation, reduce cover and consequently depress lizard densities.

View Bay Island Forest Lizard project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12053519) - March's Emerald Palm Viper - Awarded $4,000 on May 23, 2012
23-05-2012 - March's Emerald Palm Viper

March's Emerald Palm Viper is a montane viper from Guatemala and Honduras. It's conservation status is unknown but considering its small geographic range, habitat specificity for cloud forest and the fractured nature of this habitat, it is considered endangered and in decline. This project conducts the first ecological study, investigating diet selection and providing the first population density estimates of this poorly studied viper.

View March's Emerald Palm Viper project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12253443) - Hawksbill turtle - Awarded $10,000 on January 22, 2012
22-01-2012 - Hawksbill turtle

Emirates Wildlife Society in association with WWF (EWS-WWF) launched in 2010 the Marine Turtle Conservation Project in collaboration with various organisations in the Arabian/Persian Gulf region. By tracking marine turtles through the region, EWS-WWF aims to raise the collective awareness of their plight, and provide concrete links at an international level upon which local and regional conservation agendas may be developed.

View Hawksbill turtle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12252443) - Yellow-headed Tortoise - Awarded $8,000 on January 12, 2012
12-01-2012 - Yellow-headed Tortoise

The Yellow-headed tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) lives throughout southeast Asia. The species inhabits areas near a water source such as a stream. This study aims to investigate its ecology within the The Rajaji National Park in India (250 km north of Delhi).

View Yellow-headed Tortoise project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11252997) - Gecko vert de Bourbon - Awarded $5,000 on January 04, 2012
04-01-2012 - Gecko vert de Bourbon

The main objective of the Reunion day gecko' project is to assess taxonomic identity of all Phelsuma borbonica populations (including Reunion and Agalegae Islands) based on phenotypic and genetic evidence. Such data will help assessing conservation priorities that should focus on highly isolated or divergent taxa, including possible new ones.

View Gecko vert de Bourbon project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11052709) - Pasteur’s desert-racer - Awarded $5,000 on October 27, 2011
27-10-2011 - Pasteur’s desert-racer

Project aims to increase the current knowledge about biodiversity of the PN Banc d’Arguin (PNBA), in particular of the reptiles Mesalina pasteuri, Tarentola chazaliae, Lythorhynchus diadema, and Varanus griseus (all not listed in IUCN red list). The aims were to determine the distribution in the PNBA, identify suitable areas for the occurrence of the target species, and characterise selected habitats.

View Pasteur’s desert-racer project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11252632) - Mary River turtle - Awarded $12,000 on October 26, 2011
26-10-2011 - Mary River turtle

The natural habitat of the endangered Mary River turtle is restricted to the Mary River in south east Queensland, Australia. Tiaro & District Landcare Group are committed to increasing its chances of survival through conservation actions (protect wild nests from predators) and encouraging people to value and care for its habitat, the Mary River.

View Mary River turtle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11252602) - Boelen's python - Awarded $12,000 on October 26, 2011
26-10-2011 - Boelen's python

Boelen’s python (Morelia boeleni) is endemic to New Guinea found in highlands above 1000 m and below the tree line. Our recent work on the conservation genetics of this species, the first ever genetic survey of this species, shows that all captive and wild M. boeleni are genetically uniform and raise particular concern for the limited genetic diversity of M. boeleni used captive breeding programs.

View Boelen's python project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11052499) - Saharan rock agama - Awarded $5,000 on October 26, 2011
26-10-2011 - Saharan rock agama

The project proposes to achieve four main objectives using data collected during a field expedition to Niger: 1) Assess the distribution of Agama tassiliensis; 2) Habitat characterization; 3) Derive a predictive model of occurrence; and 4) Conservation status assessment.

View Saharan rock agama project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 11252584) - Radiated tortoise - Awarded $5,000 on July 17, 2011
17-07-2011 - Radiated tortoise

Surveys in southern Madagascar for Critically Endangered Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata). We estimate a total of 55 tortoises over 5.19 km2, with a 1.83:1 males-to-female ratio. We emphasise the need for additional tortoise studies, particularly in the unstudied area of Conservation Zone of Ifotaka-North Protected Area, and review tortoise conservation efforts in southern Madagascar

View Radiated tortoise project