Djibouti Francolin (Francolinus ochropectus)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 10251279

• A brief statement on the mission Djibouti Nature is a membership; apolitical, non-profit making and non-governmental organization. • Objectives of the organization Djibouti Nature aims to conserve the biological diversity mainly from bird species and habitat perspective through community based projects development, research, environmental education and awareness-raising. • Date it was established It was established in 2000. • Geographic area it covers Djibouti Nature works in the whole country. • Target species/habitats in which it works The Djibouti francolin and Bankoualé palm are respectively Critically Endangered and Vulnerable species in the IUCN/WCMC world list of Threatened Species which categorized them the most threatened bird and plant species in the world. Both species are globally threatened because a rapid population decline observed, which is thought to have exceeded 90% in the last 20 years. This decline is thought likely to continue in the future, even though the precise “nature” of the factors that are causing it are not well understood (BirdLife International 2007, IUCN 2003). Both species have restricted ranges in Djibouti where is estimated to be about 15 km2 of suitable habitat for the Francolin and much less for the palm. The critical issues for these species appear to be the tiny global range, their very small population size, and the rate at which their natural habitat is deteriorating, as evidenced by a high die off of the main woodland where they occur. The reasons why their natural habitat is degenerating is not well understood but several hypotheses have been suggested over the last few decades. These generally consist of a combination of factors such as: timber extraction for construction and firewood; over-grazing; and/or an apparent change in climate towards hotter and drier conditions which has affected the productivity of the entire ecosystem (Fuller et al. 2000).
Project 10251279 location - Djibouti, Africa