Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 220528991
Geoffroy’s cat as a flagship species for the conservation of small Neotropical cats in the Brazilian Pampa

We minimize the risk of disease transmission through vaccination/neuter campaigns of free-range domestic dogs and cats; we compensated farmers who suffered losses associated with chicken predation and developed a prototype anti-predation chicken coop; we use educational materials addressing the ecological importance of Geoffroy's cat and other sympatric species of wild cats; and in partnership with Geoffroy's Cat Working Group and Small Wild Cats Conservation Foundation, we revitalized the community skate park using wild cats as a theme and installed informational signs about each of the species.
The next steps include expanding actions to combat retaliatory killing by replicating and disseminating anti-predation chicken coops to as many farmers as possible; increase the area of "sanitary security" by carrying out more vaccination/neuter campaigns, start monitoring the dispersal and interaction of free-range domestic dogs/cats with wild cats; and include measures to mitigate another important local impact on wild cat populations: roadkill.
Project documents
- We carried out two campaigns of vaccination and neutering of dogs and cats kept in partially free life. The actions were supported by Geoffroy's Cat Working Group and the Smal Cats Conservation Founda
- Anti predation chicken coops We answered the call of a farmer who reported the loss of 35 chickens due to predation by a wild cat. He reported that he didn't want to kill the cat but wanted a solutio
- Disclosure campaigns We create stickers, folders and events to publicize Geoffroy's cat and other species of wild felines from the Pampa biome.
Project 220528991 location - Brazil, South America