Pampas cat (Leopardus colocola)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 220529652
Integrated strategy for the mitigation of threats affecting Leopardus colocola in the quechua indigineous community of Huatacondo, Chile

The main focus of this grant was the repair and/or construction of chicken coops and runs that prevent the entry of native wildcats such as Leopardus colocola and possibly Leopardus jacobita, of foxes and maybe other carnivores, to avoid the predation of poultry and thus eliminate the main motive for retaliatory killing. We selected families living in the countryside who depend at least partially on their egg and poultry production and/or the economic benefits of it.
We also included the vaccination and antiparasitic treatment of domestic dogs and cats to reduce the possibility of disease transmission to wildlife.
Finally, we installed road signs at strategic wildlife crossing points to raise awareness as to the proximity of wildlife, to avoid roadkills of wildcats as well as other native species such as the southern viscacha.
All of our activities were accompanied by educational activities in order to provide the community with updated information on the ecology of wildcats, the benefits of a healthy ecosystem and coexisting with the felines, and responsible pet ownership.
This project was designed and carried out by Fundación Con Garra, Chilean NGO based in Puerto Varas. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions regarding our project or think about implementing a similar mitigation strategy. We are always happy to help. You can write to or see our social networks @congarra7.
Project 220529652 location - Chile, South America