Zanzibar Red Colobus (Piliocolobus kirkii)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0925563

Mission statement – It shall be the mission of the Department of Commercial Crops Fruits and Forestry (DCCFF) to increase resources capacity of effectively delivery. The goals of national forest policy set forth the interests and objectives of the government and the people of Zanzibar in the conservation and development of forest resources. The General Goal gives the overall direction to forestry policy. The specific Goal elaborate the main elements- the social, economic and environmental objectives-which are contained within the general goal and the specific goal compose a holistic framework to guide and direct coherent practical policies, both in short- term and well into future. The general Goal of Zanzibar’s Forest Policy, derived from the principles of sustainability and the welfare of the people, shall be: Protect, conserve and develop forest resources for the social, economic and environmental benefit of present and future generations of the people of Zanzibar. The Specific Goals of Zanzibar: Social goal: Strengthen the role of forestry in alleviating poverty and increasing equity in resource management and utilisation. Economic goal: Strengthen the role of forest resources in promoting economic development, in meeting demand for forest product, in creating income and increasing national revenues and efficiency. Environmental goal: Protect and conserve forest resources including wildlife and flora, and enhance the role of forest resources in maintaining soil and water conservation and other environmental benefits. It was established: Since 1964 Geographical area it covers: Zanzibar Isles (Unguja and Pemba). Target species it covers: Since the organization is responsible for the conservation and management of forest resources in the Isles.
Project 0925563 location - Tanzania, Africa