2,801Grants to



The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 940 grants constituting a total donation of $8,083,813 for species conservation projects based in Asia.

Conservation Case Studies in Asia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 182518054) - Indian Ground Pangolin - Awarded $5,000 on May 01, 2018
01-05-2018 - Indian Ground Pangolin

‘Community-based approaches and action research for conservation of elusive Indian Ground Pangolin in open access landscape of Northern-Western Ghats, India'

View Indian Ground Pangolin project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172516912) - Red sea fan - Awarded $7,000 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Red sea fan

Bridging key knowledge gaps for the conservation of the Indian Ocean Gorgonians

View Red sea fan project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170516936) - Yellow-breasted Bunting - Awarded $4,147 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Yellow-breasted Bunting

Searching for stop-over and wintering sites of the rapidly declining western Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola aureola)

View Yellow-breasted Bunting project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170516947) - White-backed vulture - Awarded $5,000 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - White-backed vulture

In Uttarakhand state, risk of electrocution mortality is observed as major threats to threatened vultures. The present project was focused on protecting the critically endangered vultures from electrocution mortality in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand. Every years during 2014-2017, mortality of 40-50 vultures was recorded due to electrocution. With initiating conservation actions by the project team, electrocution mortality was reduced up to 90 percent ...

View White-backed vulture project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172516697) - Javan Slow Loris - Awarded $10,000 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Javan Slow Loris

Little Fireface Project: Conserving Critically Endangered slow loris and other obscure and forgotten nocturnal mammals through ecology, education and empowerment.

View Javan Slow Loris project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172517180) - Sumatran orangutan - Awarded $12,500 on December 19, 2017
19-12-2017 - Sumatran orangutan

Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction at Jantho Nature Reserve, Indonesia - This project is actively expanding the wild distribution and population size of the Critically Endangered Sumatran orangutan.

View Sumatran orangutan project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172516735) - Flat-headed Cat  - Awarded $8,000 on December 18, 2017
18-12-2017 - Flat-headed Cat

Distribution and conservation status of the flat headed cat, Prionailurus planiceps in Brunei Darussalam

View Flat-headed Cat project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 170516870) - Bay cat  - Awarded $5,000 on December 18, 2017
18-12-2017 - Bay cat

Long-term Felid Conservation in the Rungan River Landscape, Indonesian Borneo

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1705199) - Stone flower - Awarded $5,000 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Stone flower

Assessment of Conservation Status and Development of the Red list for Western Ghats Usneoid Lichens

View Stone flower project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172516424) - Cycas annaikalensis - Awarded $4,400 on September 18, 2017
18-09-2017 - Cycas annaikalensis

Conservation of Critically Endangered cycad, Cycas annaikalensis in India. Cycas annaikalensis, is the only Critically Endangered cycad species from India, known from only a single population with less than 100 individuals from Kerala state. The goal of this project is to develop a conservation strategy for the, C. annaikalensis by integrating ecological and genetic information.

View Cycas annaikalensis project