2,801Grants to


North America

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 333 grants constituting a total donation of $3,178,170 for species conservation projects based in North America.

Conservation Case Studies in North America

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025880) - Anegada Iguana - Awarded $15,000 on July 04, 2010
04-07-2010 - Anegada Iguana

Program focus is on species ranked Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List, including the Anegada iguana (Cyclura pinguis). The geographic range of C. pinguis is the tiny island of Anegada (39 km2) in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Unfortunately, the tropical dry forest habitat of Anegada is one of the most threatened forest types in the world.

View Anegada Iguana project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925524) - Golden coqui - Awarded $19,166 on June 10, 2010
10-06-2010 - Golden coqui

Our proposal is to conduct an Amphibian Ark Conservation Needs Assessment Workshop (http://www.amphibianark.org/conservation_needs_workshops.htm) for the entire Caribbean region. The workshop will be facilitated by an AArk Taxon Officer and led by the Caribbean Regional Co-Chairs of the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group.

View Golden coqui project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10251258) - Central American River Turtle   - Awarded $10,000 on June 09, 2010
09-06-2010 - Central American River Turtle

This project’s goal is to create a framework for preventing the extinction of the Hicatee Turtle in Belize. FFI aims to determine the population status of the Hicatee Turtle, including its distribution, density, habitat requirements and principal threats in Belize; develop a National Conservation Strategy and Action Plan for the Hicatee Turtle; and establish and strengthen a consortium for the conservation of the Hicatee Turtle.

View Central American River Turtle project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10251248) - Antiguan Racer - Awarded $5,000 on June 08, 2010
08-06-2010 - Antiguan Racer

This project’s goal is to increase Antiguan Racer populations to at least 500 individuals on Antigua’s globally important offshore islands. FFI aims to build local capacity to design and execute the national Antiguan Racer Conservation Action Plan; manage and conserve individuals and habitats by controlling alien invasive species; and increase understanding and improve behavior among Antiguans and visitors towards the Antiguan Racer ...

View Antiguan Racer project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925634) - Carpita de Morelos - Awarded $15,000 on June 07, 2010
07-06-2010 - Carpita de Morelos

This project assessed the exact distribution of this small Mexican fish species (Carpitade Morelos). It estimated its population size in its current distributional area and evaluated the genetic diversity of the species by means of microsatellite DNA analysis. Finally, a report was authored to assist in the recovery and conservation of the Carpitade Morelos.

View Carpita de Morelos project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025948) - Spiny-tailed Utila iguana (Swamper)  - Awarded $10,000 on February 21, 2010
21-02-2010 - Spiny-tailed Utila iguana (Swamper)

The Iguana Research and Breeding Staion (IRBS) is situated on the island of Utila and works to conserve the endemic, endangered spiny-tailed iguana (Ctenosaura bakeri). The grant provided by the Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund provided helps to pay for essentials needed to maintain a good working environment at the station and supports many of the scientific studies undertaken at the IRBS.

View Spiny-tailed Utila iguana (Swamper) project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025939) - Harlequin frog - Awarded $10,000 on February 18, 2010
18-02-2010 - Harlequin frog

The Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project creates assurance colonies of highly vulnerable species of amphibians to prevent extinctions due to an invasive fungal pathogen that causes chytridiomycosis.

View Harlequin frog project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1025476) - Azuero Howling Monkey - Awarded $15,000 on February 18, 2010
18-02-2010 - Azuero Howling Monkey

The Fundación Pro-Conservación de los Primates Panameños (FCPP) started in 2001 the first long-term primates population study to obtain ecological information of Ateles geoffroyi azuerensis, Alouatta coibensis coibensis and Alouatta coibensis trabeata. This is the first ever recorded data to calculate their total population and their actual conservation status. Environmental education practices are operating in Azuero Peninsula to help ...

View Azuero Howling Monkey project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1005800) - Ricord Iguana - Awarded $4,650 on February 16, 2010
16-02-2010 - Ricord Iguana

The Ricord's Iguana (Cyclura ricordi) is a very fragile species Red-listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. The species is endemic to the island of Hispaniola, where it has a very limited and fragmented distribution in the south central part of the island in both the Dominican Republic and Republic of Haiti.

View Ricord Iguana project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905765) - Jamaican Iguana - Awarded $4,981 on February 16, 2010
16-02-2010 - Jamaican Iguana

The Jamaican iguana, Cyclura collei, is represented by a single population in the wild that had near zero recruitment when it was discovered in 1991. A "headstart" program, where hatchlings are collected in the wild and reared in captivity until they are large enough to fend for themselves, has reversed this trend. However, headstarting may have unforeseen consequences. This study is assessing these concerns.

View Jamaican Iguana project