2,980Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 411 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $4,153,726.

Bird Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257994) - Ecuadorian Tapaculo, El Oro Tapaculo - Awarded $4,000 on December 23, 2013
23-12-2013 - Ecuadorian Tapaculo, El Oro Tapaculo

The endemic Ecuadorian Tapaculo is heavily threatened by loss and fragmentation of its habitat, the pre-montane cloud forests of southwestern Ecuador. In our project, we combine results from landscape genetics analyses and habitat assessments to restore functional connectivity for the remaining populations of the Ecuadorian Tapaculo.

View Ecuadorian Tapaculo, El Oro Tapaculo project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257803) - Cherry-throated Tanager - Awarded $10,750 on December 23, 2013
23-12-2013 - Cherry-throated Tanager

The Critically Endangered Cherry-throated Tanager is endemic of the montane Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo state in Brazil. In the last years SAVE Brasil has been working in partnership with the Government lobbying for the creation of public and private protected areas in the region. The project is also engaging communities to bring pride to the local people for housing this unique species.

View Cherry-throated Tanager project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13257750) - Akikiki - Awarded $18,595 on December 23, 2013
23-12-2013 - Akikiki

We are trying to determine the cause of declines of the Akikiki (

View Akikiki project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 136916) - White Rumped Vulture - Awarded $6,100 on September 30, 2013
30-09-2013 - White Rumped Vulture

Creating a 30,000Sq km safe zone Surrounding Ahmedabad City in Central Gujarat,India through intensive monitoring, awareness and advocacy with government officials. This will safeguard a population of approximately 200 critically endangered Gyps benganlensis resident of this area and also generate a model for in-situ vulture conservation which can be implemented across the country.

View White Rumped Vulture project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256311) - Dwarf olive ibis - Awarded $7,850 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Dwarf olive ibis

The Island of Sao Tome, in the Gulf of Guinea, supports 3 bird species that face a high risk of extinction. They can't be found anywhere else in the world save the High Conservation Value Forests in the south of the island. This project aims to guarantee the long-term survival of the 3 birds; the Dwarf Olive Ibis, Sao Tome Fiscal and Sao Tome Grosbeak.

View Dwarf olive ibis project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256300) - Royal Cinclodes - Awarded $6,250 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Royal Cinclodes

The critically endangered Royal Cinclodes and the endangered Ash-breasted Tit-tyrant are threatened by the ongoing destruction of its main habitat (Polylepis pepei forest). We focused our efforts to protect the last forest fragments in the community of Pongo, and we also helped to strengthen cooperation between this community and the protected area of Cotapata to protect these remaining and very important high Andean ecosystem.

View Royal Cinclodes project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256063) - Socorro Dove - Awarded $12,500 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Socorro Dove

The habitat restoration program supported by the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund will aid the reintroduction of the Socorro Dove (Zenaida graysoni) by allowing the recovery and growth of areas formerly inhabited by the species and destroyed by sheep overgrazing. Facilities will pvovide the Revillagigedo Archipelago Biosphere Reserve with a constant production of seedlings to restore Socorro Island to a near pristine condition.

View Socorro Dove project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256192) - Norfolk Island parakeet - Awarded $10,850 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Norfolk Island parakeet

The objective of the project is to determine the size of the endemic Tasman parakeet population on Norfolk Island and to detect if a recent population crash has occurred. This will lead to proposals for remedial conservation measures. The project will develop and trial survey methods for Tasman parakeets and collect other ecological information that will form the basis of monitoring and recovery efforts.

View Norfolk Island parakeet project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13256005) - Siberian Crane - Awarded $12,500 on June 05, 2013
05-06-2013 - Siberian Crane

Illegal hunting is the primary cause of the decline of the Critically Endangered Siberian Crane. This project promotes widespread public education to hunters in Central Asian countries to improve understanding of the Siberian Crane and its habitats. Relationships are fostered with hunters who were trained to identify species correctly, choose to avoid hunting cranes, report crane sightings and to be involved in crane conservation.

View Siberian Crane project