18-09-2017 - Stellate sturgeon
Community based conservation of critically endangered stellate and ship sturgeons: Saving living fossils on the brink of extinction
View Stellate sturgeon project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 216 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $2,166,388.
Community based conservation of critically endangered stellate and ship sturgeons: Saving living fossils on the brink of extinction
View Stellate sturgeon project
During this project, Freshwater Land Trust and partners have enhanced and maintained critical habitat and survival of the endangered watercress darter (Etheostoma nuchale) in an urban watershed in Jefferson County, Alabama.
View Watercress darter project
Ecology and Conservation of the endangered endemic Chrysichthys walkeri in the Pra Basin, Ghana
View Cat fish project
Habitat restoration and population monitoring of an endangered freshwater fish endemic to the westernmost tip of Europe.
View Western Ruivaco project
Victoria tilapia (Oreochromis variabilis), cichlid fish species endemic to lakes Victoria and Kyoga is critically endangered; therefore it’s at risk of being extinct in the wild. This project will contribute to reviving the populations of critically endangered Victoria tilapia in Lake Nawampasa through working with fishing communities to address threats to this fish species and its habitats.
View Victotria Tilapia project
The Isla de la Juventud is probably the only place in Cuba where the Barred Topmminow, Quintana atrizona, can be found. Despite being evaluated as Endangered in 2012, current information suggests that this species fulfills the IUCN criteria for Critically Endangered. We will update the distribution and assess habitat requirements and current conservation status of the target species and associated freshwater endemic ichthyofauna.
View Barred Topminnow project
Helping Jipe Communities to Protect Critically Endangered Jipe Tilapia Oreochromis jipe and Ecosystem in Lake Jipe Tanzania
View Jipe tilapia project
Conservation of the endangered parrotfish Scarus tripsonosus in Brazilian water - Spatial planning and conservation modelling development in a MPA
View Greenback Parrotfish project
Survey of two critically endangered and restricted endemic species of the genus Pseudophoxinus in Caucasus to set up conservation plan
View Azerbaijani Spring Roach project
â€Survey and Research in the Natural Habitat in the Northwest of the Black Sea, of the Criticall Endangered Anadromous Sturgeon Species†It was an extremely interesting project that helped us to continue our monitoring and research of the Flagspecies of the Danube River, Beluga Sturgeon, Russian Sturgeon and Stellate Sturgeon and make a step forward in their conservation.
View Beluga sturgeon project