2,801Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 248 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $1,866,376.

Invertebrate Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212528367) - Giant green African millipede - Awarded $5,000 on December 19, 2021
19-12-2021 - Giant green African millipede

Distribution, threats, extinction-risk assessment and conservation of the giant green endemic millipede Spirostreptus crenulatus Porat, 1894, in the Dja-Biosphere-Reserve, Cameroon

View Giant green African millipede project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212527967) - Wolkberg Zulu - Awarded $13,500 on December 19, 2021
19-12-2021 - Wolkberg Zulu

Strandveld Daisy Copper (Chrysoritis dicksoni) - Finding refuge for South Africa's most Critically Endangered butterflies.

View Wolkberg Zulu project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212525091) - Dung Beetles - Awarded $11,000 on December 19, 2021
19-12-2021 - Dung Beetles

Characterizing the structure and composition of dung beetle communities in a Kenyan savanna

View Dung Beetles project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212527457) - Fan mussel - Awarded $11,000 on September 29, 2021
29-09-2021 - Fan mussel

Assisted recruitment of the critically endangered fan mussel Pinna nobilis in Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean)

View Fan mussel project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212527355) - Paposo snail - Awarded $8,000 on September 29, 2021
29-09-2021 - Paposo snail

Ecology and conservation of the snail Chilina angusta: A species of the Atacama Desert threatened of extinction.

View Paposo snail project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 210527048) - Giant Patagonian bumblebee - Awarded $5,000 on September 29, 2021
29-09-2021 - Giant Patagonian bumblebee

SAVING THE PATAGONIAN GIANT BUMBLEBEE FROM EXTINCTION BY REMOVING ITS MAIN THREAT, THE INVASIVE BUFF TAILED BUMBLEBEE. Bombus dahlbomii, the world's largest bumblebee has drastically declined since the invasion of European Bombus terrestris following commercial introduction in Chile for crop pollination. By downregulating the importation of colonies and reducing the local densities of this invader we expect the recovery of B. dahlbomii ...

View Giant Patagonian bumblebee project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212526437) - Sunda Grappletail - Awarded $11,500 on April 22, 2021
22-04-2021 - Sunda Grappletail

Habitat Requirements and Ecological Study of Heliogomphus drescheri (Odonata, Gomphidae) in Dieng Mountains for Javan Redlist Odonata Conservation

View Sunda Grappletail project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 212526304) - Fresh water crab - Awarded $14,500 on April 22, 2021
22-04-2021 - Fresh water crab

Population ecology and conservation of Pseudothelphusa morelosis, in Santa isabel, Las Estacas State Reserve, Morelos, Mexico

View Fresh water crab project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 200524560) - Javan Threadtail - Awarded $4,995 on September 23, 2020
23-09-2020 - Javan Threadtail

Redlisting Project of Javan Endemic Damselfly (Prodasineura delicatula) collaborate with IUCN Dragonfly Specialist Group

View Javan Threadtail project