2,742Grants to


Case Study Map

There are currently 1108 case studies available to view with selected filtering.

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded $25,761,849 to 2742 conservation projects for all species types with all IUCN classifications throughout the world. Project managers that have decided to publish their projects, are illustrated on the map below.

Commerson´s dolphin

We identified the boundaries for management units for four key species in the Argentine Sea affected by human activities (mortality in fisheries, unregulated tourism and oil and gas exploration at sea): Commerson´s dolphin, dusky dolphin, South American fur seal and South American sea lion. The Southwestern Atlantic has been one of the most impacted marine environments in the last two decades by fisheries.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925516) - Commerson´s dolphin  - Awarded $20,000 on July 13, 2010
Project No. 0925516 - Awarded $20,000 on July 13, 2010
Wedge-tailed eagle

Data from this study suggests that eagles may breed irregularly or may frequently move about within territories occupying various nests. This study also suggests that although the duration of breeding phases may be similar between years, the timing of breeding in the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle may vary considerably between years. If these trends continue, they will have implications for future eagle habitat management

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925483) - Wedge-tailed eagle - Awarded $15,000 on July 13, 2010
Project No. 0925483 - Awarded $15,000 on July 13, 2010

The Okapi Conservation Project in Epulu, DR Congo conserves the wildlife and flora of the Ituri Forest. Focusing on program areas of agro-forestry, wildlife protection and conservation education, we encourage Congolese people to participate in forest stewardship which is home to important populations of chimpanzees, forest elephants and the endemeic okapi. Current threats to the Ituri Forest include illegal hunting, mining and timber ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905407) - Okapi - Awarded $25,000 on July 13, 2010
Project No. 0905407 - Awarded $25,000 on July 13, 2010
Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse

The diversity and richness along the altitudinal gradient change depending of the heterogeneity of the habitat. I research the relation of the environmental factors and distribution of the species in seven localities along the gradient of Pampa Hermosa River, Junín, Peru. I report 34 species, the redicovery of Marmosops juninensis and the range extended of Monodelphis gardneri. Also, I found corelation with their habitat.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905276) - Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse - Awarded $5,000 on July 13, 2010
Project No. 0905276 - Awarded $5,000 on July 13, 2010

Sauteria spongiosa (Kashyap) S. Hatt.is an endangered liverwort occuring at 2400 m of elevation in Kathmandu Valley. None of its report has been made since 1982. This work is connected basically to investigate the current status of Sauteria spongiosa and document all the exiating diversity of bryophyte species occuring in different potential habitats of Kathmandu Mountains.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051334) - Liverwort - Awarded $4,700 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051334 - Awarded $4,700 on July 06, 2010
Turner's Eremomela

We surveyed Turner's Eremomela and other birds on the more disturbed western end of South Nandi forest, Kenya and sampled birds just outside forest to assess how far forest birds disperse towards neighbouring Kakamega forest. Results showed lower T. Eremomela records, lower overall bird diversity and species richness, and lower general habitat quality on this side, but higher higher human-disturbance than on the eastern side of forest. Only large ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051333) - Turner's Eremomela - Awarded $4,000 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051333 - Awarded $4,000 on July 06, 2010
Javan slow loris

The result obtained by the population survey in the 7 sites estimated occurance in range of the 10-15 individuals. The survey results recommended two potential sites which have good habitat and carrying capacity for the release of Javan slow loris and Calobak, Tapos. Awareness public activities to find solutions to prevent the decline in current population of Java slow loris with law enforcement activities.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051330) - Javan slow loris - Awarded $4,050 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051330 - Awarded $4,050 on July 06, 2010

The management of species depends upon the adopted management system for a particular forest and the role of gender or the forest user groups involvement in the proper handling of the adopted management system. Thus, if totally protected management system adopted for any threatened/vulnerable species and its proper regulation by the user groups then definitely results in increase in no.of species.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051327) - Catechu - Awarded $1,475 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051327 - Awarded $1,475 on July 06, 2010
Sanje mangabey

Our study examines gastrointestinal parasitic infection in a population of endangered Sanje mangabeys in the Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Through primate censuses and fecal collection, we document infection prevalence in relation to human encroachment and habitat destruction. As there are fewer than 1000 individuals left in this population, assessing the risk of disease infection is a necessary step for effective conservation.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051326) - Sanje mangabey - Awarded $2,647 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051326 - Awarded $2,647 on July 06, 2010
Egyptian vulture

Project aimed for conservation the Imperial Eagle, Egyptian Vulture and Lesser Kestrel in Azerbaijan throughout creation of network of local people for conservation of main sites for these species. Posters and brochure about target species will be distributed during field survey and discussions.Received data will be used for identification most improptant sites for these species and possible creating of new protected areas.

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 10051324) - Egyptian vulture - Awarded $5,000 on July 06, 2010
Project No. 10051324 - Awarded $5,000 on July 06, 2010