2,742Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 152510534

Status assessment of endangered Persian leopard in its last stronghold: Eastern Alborz Mountains, Iran

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510534) - Persian leopard - Awarded $9,500 on June 04, 2015

This project will be implemented in Eastern Alborz Mountains, northeastern Iran, which stretch across the southern half of the Golestan Province and provide the last remnants of habitat available for much of the larger wildlife in Hyrcanian forests. Hyrcanian forests, some of the relict sub-tropical forests remaining in the northern hemisphere are rich in biodiversity. However, the current level of habitat destruction and human-wildlife conflict may have caused severe fragmentataions in the area. Our study is a follow-up to years of our conservation activities in Golestan National Park at the easternmost edge of these mountains. In this study we will expand our understanding of Persian leopard status as the conservation flagship species, in the landscape-level. We will investigate habitat corridors in this range up to Jahan Nama Protected Area at the westernmost corner of the Golestan Province. The Endangered Persian leopard has its highest global population recorded in Golestan National Park. However, long-term viability of this population in Iran and the neighboring countries is dependent on safeguarding corridors in Alborz Mountains. This study not only benefits conservation of leopards, but also the survival of other wildlife species and habitats in the Hyrcanian forests.




Project 152510534 location - Iran, Asia