2,801Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 172515082

Restoring the critical habitat of the most threatened Andean birds of Bolivia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172515082) - Royal Cinclodes - Awarded $3,500 on July 01, 2017

1) Restore Polylepis forest ecosystem. We will plant 20 000 saplings of the most characteristic plants of this ecosystem. We conducted a botanic study to identify the plant community of this ecosystem. Thanks to this study we identified the plants that, besides the Polylepis species that naturally occur in our study sites (Polylepis pepei and Polylepis sericea), are also important to integrate in this habitat restoration program. These species are: Gynoxis compressissima, Weinmannia fagaroides, Vallea stipularis, Hesperomeles ferruginea, and others. This project will be coordinated with local people and personnel of two protected areas (Madidi and Cotapata) 2) Decrease the pressure on the Polylepis forests. We will teach local people to construct highly efficient stoves that require approximately 50% less firewood than normal stove currently used. We will also plant 10 000 saplings of the native Andean Adler (Alnus acuminata) that occurs at slightly lower altitudes to provide firewood for local people in the future. A management plan for this purpose will be developed. Finally, we will conduct diverse activities to raise the awareness of local people about the uniqueness of the Polylepis forests, and the important ecosystem services they provide to local communities (e.g. underground water storage)

Project 172515082 location - Bolivia, South America