19-08-2010 - William's Lark
This study was to undertake population survey and environmental threat assessment of Williams’ Lark, Mirafra williamsi, in and around Shaba National Reserve IBA. Specific objectives were to investigate the population parameters; size and local density, and environmental conditions in the reserve. The research was conducted at rocky lava plains with scattered grasses in Shaba reserve and its environs.
View William's Lark project

15-07-2010 - Barbary Macaque
This cross-disciplinary conservation project focuses on the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) as a flagship species for the threatened flora, fauna and fungi of the unique and diverse ecosystems of northern Morocco. The project works with local people to gather scientific data and raise their awareness so they can work to safeguard the species, its habitats, and their own livelihoods.
View Barbary Macaque project

13-07-2010 - Hawksbill Turtle
This project aims to identify regionally-important turtle populations and threats to their survival and to increase the capacity of coastal communities in the Comoros, Northern Madagascar and Mauritius to protect sea turtles and develop sustainable livelihoods such as sea turtle-based ecotourism.
View Hawksbill Turtle project

13-07-2010 - Okapi
The Okapi Conservation Project in Epulu, DR Congo conserves the wildlife and flora of the Ituri Forest. Focusing on program areas of agro-forestry, wildlife protection and conservation education, we encourage Congolese people to participate in forest stewardship which is home to important populations of chimpanzees, forest elephants and the endemeic okapi. Current threats to the Ituri Forest include illegal hunting, mining and timber ...
View Okapi project

06-07-2010 - Turner's Eremomela
We surveyed Turner's Eremomela and other birds on the more disturbed western end of South Nandi forest, Kenya and sampled birds just outside forest to assess how far forest birds disperse towards neighbouring Kakamega forest. Results showed lower T. Eremomela records, lower overall bird diversity and species richness, and lower general habitat quality on this side, but higher higher human-disturbance than on the eastern side of forest. Only large ...
View Turner's Eremomela project

06-07-2010 - Sanje mangabey
Our study examines gastrointestinal parasitic infection in a population of endangered Sanje mangabeys in the Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Through primate censuses and fecal collection, we document infection prevalence in relation to human encroachment and habitat destruction. As there are fewer than 1000 individuals left in this population, assessing the risk of disease infection is a necessary step for effective conservation.
View Sanje mangabey project

05-07-2010 - Grevy's zebra
The aims of this project were to (1) understand the factors influencing foal survival in the endangered Grevy's zebra, and (2) investigate how landscape use patterns of lactating female zebra are influenced by differences in forage quality. We discovered that first year foal survival is less than 30% and that lactating females choose areas in which forage contains significantly higher quantities of key nutrients.
View Grevy's zebra project

13-06-2010 - Djibouti Francolin
View Djibouti Francolin project

09-06-2010 - Atlantic Humpback Dolphin
The Atlantic humpback dolphin is among the planet’s most rare and threatened marine mammals. Endemic to West Africa, the species has declined precipitously in recent years. This project aims to assess essential life history parameters (population size, preferred habitats, threats) for the species in Gabon and Congo, and to raise awareness of the species amongst local resource managers, resource users, and the NGO community.
View Atlantic Humpback Dolphin project

07-06-2010 - Pygmy hippopotamus
The University of Georgia pygmy hippo project aims to assess the conservation biology of this species in the Moa River region of Sierra Leone. We are assessing distribution, abundance, and basic life history using a variety of field techniques. Our team is also undertaking environmental education programs and collaborating with others studying pygmy hippos.
View Pygmy hippopotamus project