20-12-2018 - African white-backed vulture
Saving African White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) in Southern Tanzania
View African white-backed vulture project
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The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 827 grants constituting a total donation of $8,347,447 for species conservation projects based in Africa.
Saving African White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) in Southern Tanzania
View African white-backed vulture project
African golden cats are severely threatened by poaching both as bycatch and direct hunting. We implement community-based initiatives through "pig seed banks" to improve local livelihoods while dissuading poaching and the threat it poses to African golden cats and other wildlife. This is the first-ever community-based conservation initiative on the African golden cat anywhere in the species range.
View Caracal project
Conserving Guinea’s Critically Endangered National Flower Vernonia djalonensis. This Critically Endangered endemic species was chosen in a national vote as Guinean National Flower. It is currently only known from one site which is threatened by urbanisation and industrial infrastructure. We aim to create awareness of this species and the importance of the unique Guinean flora and protect the National Flower for future generations.
View Chardon du Fouta project
Capturing the genetic diversity of the recently rediscovered plant Dracaena umbraculifera before it is too late.
View Dracaena umbraculifera project
Saving Marasmodes undulata, one of the most threatened plants in the Cape Floristic Region
View Orleans Autumn Aster project
Dracaena ombet is a globally endangered tree species. In Ethiopia, it is only sparsely found in the degraded Desa’a forest. To date, no data on the tree in Ethiopia. Therefore, this project will assess the tree’s current conservation status through collecting data from field and stakeholders. Collected data will then be scientifically analysed to prepare its future conservation actions, predict suitable habitats; and train ...
View Gabal Elba Dragon Tree project
A Red List for molluscs from hydrothermal vents in the Indian Ocean
View Scaly-foot Snail project
Pelmatojulus excisus is a giant millipede known only in some restricted areas in Cameroon rainforest. Despite their ecological importance, this giant endemic species has received no conservation attention and remain known as Not Listed in IUCN RedList. The current study intend to Identify the status and distribution of the target species; provide data on its ecology and develop conservation measures.
View Cameroon Giant Fire Millipede project
Distribution and ecology of the very rare, poorly known and endemic grasshopper, Gemeneta opilionoides Bolivar (1905): implications for conservation
View Green swamp forest grasshopper project
The Madagascar Pochard is Critically Endangered – just 25 birds survive at one small site. To ensure its survival in the wild, we are establishing a new population at Lake Sofia, a remote lake in the northern highlands that is central to the lives of 12,000 local villagers. Pilot releases will help prove and refine the novel and innovative methods needed for this challenging site.
View Madagascar pochard project