19-12-2016 - Beentje orchid
Ossiculum, a monotypic flagship genus for orchid conservation in Central Africa
View Beentje orchid project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 307 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $2,851,346.
Ossiculum, a monotypic flagship genus for orchid conservation in Central Africa
View Beentje orchid project
Population Ecology, Pollen Limitation and Community Education to Save a Critically Endangered Cycad Encephalartos sclavoi in West Usambara Forests, Tanzania
View Sclavo's Cycad project
Integrated conservation of the narrow endemic Quercus brandegeei (Endangered) in Southern Baja California, Mexico
View Brandegee oak project
Ecology and conservation of Tetramicra malpighiarum, the most endangered orchid of Cuba. This Cuban endemic orchid is only known from one population with few individuals, and it is exposed to many threats. To find new populations and to know their actual status are key factors for planning effective conservation strategies.
View Tetramicra malpighiarum project
Dipterocarpus cinereus (Dipterocarpaceae) is Indonesian endemic dipterocarp and declared Extinct in 1998 by IUCN. Recent expedition rediscovered few numbers of trees were still remained in Mursala Island. Considering the alarming rate both of their numbers and habitat deterioration, ex-situ conservation activities seems as an urgent task.
View Keruing project
Rough terrain conservation collections: a genetic study and outplanting of Polyscias bisattenuata (Araliaceae), a critically endangered endangered member of the Flora of Hawaii.
View 'Ohe Mauka project
Guarajuba (Terminalia acuminata), is one out of three Brazilian plants declared Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN Red List. Rediscovered in 2015, this distinctive tree survives as several discrete subpopulations within the city of Rio de Janeiro. While the rediscovery gives cause for optimism, the extant population is in urgent need of research and evidence-based action to save it from the brink of extinction.
View Terminalia acuminata project
Conservation of the Critically Endangered palm Tahina spectabilis in Madagascar.
A decade ago, an extraordinary monotypic palm was discovered in a remote location in Madagascar. With only a tiny known population, in a threatened habitat, and a reproductive strategy where the palm dies after flowering, this species urgently needed conservation action to protect it....
View Tahina palm project
Conservation collections, genetic diversity and breeding systems studies, and outplanting of the Critically Endangered Hawaiian taxon, Hibiscus waimeae subsp. hannerae
View kokiʻo keʻokeʻo project
The entire global population of the Critically Endangered Yuanbaoshan fir is found in the Yuanbaoshan National Nature Reserve, China. At this site, just 794 individuals can be found within the space of 4 hectares. Fauna & Flora International is working to empower local communities to conserve this last remaining population.
View Yuanbaoshan fir project