2,801Grants to


South America

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 477 grants constituting a total donation of $4,451,611 for species conservation projects based in South America.

Conservation Case Studies in South America

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152511455) - Oncilla - Awarded $10,540 on December 09, 2015
09-12-2015 - Oncilla

Conservation of small Neotropical Felidae in subtropical Interior Atlantic Forest.

View Oncilla project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152511139) - Klein's rib-less orchid - Awarded $7,000 on September 20, 2015
20-09-2015 - Klein's rib-less orchid

To safeguard Klein's rib-less orchid (Anathallis kleinii), a Critically Endangered, epiphytic, micro-orchid, in Brazil’s Atlantic forest. It is poorly studied and until recently only known from the type collection; two sub-populations are now confirmed. Increasing human populations, housing developments and resorts have decreased the habitat available. This project aims to establish the quality of habitat, population status and promote its ...

View Klein's rib-less orchid project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 150511285) - Blue-throated Macaw  - Awarded $5,000 on September 20, 2015
20-09-2015 - Blue-throated Macaw

Breeding habitat improvement for the Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis)

View Blue-throated Macaw project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152511281) - Black lion tamarin - Awarded $10,000 on September 20, 2015
20-09-2015 - Black lion tamarin

Conservation Program of the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in the Carlos Botelho State Park and its Buffer Zone, Paranapiacaba Ecological Continuum

View Black lion tamarin project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 152510692) - Galapagos Spiny Gladiator Lichen - Awarded $15,000 on April 22, 2015
22-04-2015 - Galapagos Spiny Gladiator Lichen

Assessing Galapagos endemic Lichens for the Global Fungal Red List Initiative: For almost ten years the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands has worked on a species inventory of lichens, a neglected, yet highly diverse group of organisms. Our project now focuses on assessing the conservation status of endemic lichen species in the archipelago, working on the first IUCN red-list of Galapagos Lichens.

View Galapagos Spiny Gladiator Lichen project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510227) - Loyo - Awarded $20,000 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Loyo

Conservation of threatened fungi in Chile. Our objective is measure the impacts of harvesting on the mycelium, and determine whether different harvesting techniques can play an important role for the survival of Boletus loyo. Also, educate the people of the indigenous communities so they harvest correctly and respectfully towards the species through teaching them what fungi are, and which endangered species live in their forests.

View Loyo project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 14259595) - Carchi Andes Toad - Awarded $3,300 on December 28, 2014
28-12-2014 - Carchi Andes Toad

Rediscovery of the Coloma´s Andean toad (Rhaebo colomai) in the Western Andes of Colombian: population study and conservation strategies

View Carchi Andes Toad project