01-05-2018 - Indian Ground Pangolin
‘Community-based approaches and action research for conservation of elusive Indian Ground Pangolin in open access landscape of Northern-Western Ghats, India'
View Indian Ground Pangolin project
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The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 1030 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $10,070,905.
‘Community-based approaches and action research for conservation of elusive Indian Ground Pangolin in open access landscape of Northern-Western Ghats, India'
View Indian Ground Pangolin project
In Cote d’Ivoire, the giant pangolin may now only be found in Taï National Park. This species faces a very high risk of extinction from local bushmeat hunting and poaching for illegal international trade, in addition to historic habitat loss. We will establish a critical baseline of behavioural ecology and ethnological knowledge as the foundation of a national giant pangolin management plan.
View giant pangolin. project
Market survey and population characteristics of three species of pangolins (Pholidota) in the villages situated in close proximity to the Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of Congo
View Giant pangolin project
Community-based monitoring and conservation measures to protect the critically endangered Spider Monkey (Ateles fusciceps ssp rufiventris)
View Colombian Black Spider Monkey project
Saving Africa’s most threatened primate group from extinction: the Red Colobus Conservation Action Plan (ReCAP)
View Upper Guinea Red Colobus project
Conservation of a Sacred Population of the Endangered Sclater’s Monkey in Nigeria: Protected Area Feasibility Study and Forest Monitoring
View Sclater's monkey project
Addressing a multinational challenge: Andean cat conservation and awareness in regions with high level of human-carnivore conflict at Southern Cone.
View Andean cat project
Little Fireface Project: Conserving Critically Endangered slow loris and other obscure and forgotten nocturnal mammals through ecology, education and empowerment.
View Javan Slow Loris project
Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction at Jantho Nature Reserve, Indonesia - This project is actively expanding the wild distribution and population size of the Critically Endangered Sumatran orangutan.
View Sumatran orangutan project
Distribution and conservation status of the flat headed cat, Prionailurus planiceps in Brunei Darussalam
View Flat-headed Cat project